Just double-click on the follow icon and off you go!
The Goal of the game
The only thing you gotta do is follow the lights and don't make any mistakes on your way.
PowerMac users will have a little disadvantage because the speed of their machines, but i'll calibrate the next version of the program, so that nobody has a disadvantage.
Future plans
The next version(s) of Follow will include:
- Nicer lights (these lights are only temporary :-)
- Score list
- Time limitations
Copyright and registration
This program is ⌐1995/96 by Eelco van Beek. This program may not be sold without the explicit commision of the author (that's me :-)
This program is postcard- or emailware, if you like it, please send me a postcard of your hometown or send me a nice email. Errors can also be reported via email.
New versions can be downloaded from http://www.knoware.nl/users/evbeek/Follow.html